An aromatherapy, yoga & hydro-spa experience in Emilia-Romagna

Northern Italy Retreat
Forlì, Emilia-Romagna | 9-13 October 2024

Relax and reset in the restful and fragrant countryside setting of Corte San Ruffillo, a family-owned boutique hotel, organic farm and hydro spa. Delight the senses over 4 nights with aromatherapy workshops led by botanical brand owner, Rasa Gundersen, and acclaimed senior yoga instructor, Eilin Ma Dalby. This retreat is a delightful dance between movement, natural science, scent art, relaxation, community, Italian food, and luxe spa time. You are invited to journey back in time to a historic villa and ancient forest, to slow down and retreat from the pressures of everyday life, and explore the ways in which plant medicine and our intuitive connection with nature can heal and reawaken us.